Friday, December 28, 2007

Sharing Foundation

I've added a widget on the right side of my blog (down there, see it?) for accepting donations to the Sharing Foundation which provides a lot of help for children in need in Cambodia. Whichever organization receives the largest number of unique donors will receive $50,000. as part of America's Giving Challenge.

I learned of the challenge and the Sharing Foundation from Beth Kanter's blog. Beth, who is on the Executive Board of the foundation, is a tireless advocate of the use of social media in non-profits and provides educational and consulting services as such. Her interest and dedication to the children of Cambodia is awesome.

Please consider the Sharing Foundation as you decide on your year-end (or January 2008) charitable contributions. If enough people donate, we will have helped the Sharing Foundation get an additional $50K to help Cambodian children.


Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for blogging about the cause!

Here's the donation link

Anonymous said...

Looks like it isn't working. Let me try it again">

Anonymous said...

I'm going to add you to the list of bloggers - thank you again!

Anonymous said...

Hey Bob! Glad to see you championing the cause, too! AND, looking forward to seeing you soon!

Bob Uva said...

thanks Amy. It's a great cause!